We accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express cards. You can also pay with Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal.
Deliveries are managed by PPL (international courier service – partner of DHL). All shipments sent by Symbol.Fashion are insured against theft and accidental damage. This insurance coverage ceases once the shipment and a written acknowledgement of receipt have been received.
We thank you for choosing and shopping with Symbol.fashion. If you are unsatisfied with your order for any reason, you can use our return or exchange policy within 30 days of receipt of the item (including discounted items) to return or exchange the item for the correct size or model item. To make a return or exchange, please fill out a special form on our website or contact customer support on our website.
At the expense of the buyer within 30 days after delivery of the items by the PPL delivery operator
Exchanges and returns of items are carried out if the specified item was not in use, its presentation is completely preserved - without damage and traces of wear, original packaging, as well as tags, seals, labels, brand names.
Swimwear, underwear, hosiery, personal hygiene items, gloves are not returned or exchanged.
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